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Play: The Expendables 2: Deploy & Destroy
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Ready for some retro pixel tower defence action? Choose your squad from the biggest cast of action heroes ever assembled, set up your defences and then blow the enemy to hell... or die a hero. There's an arsenal of devastating weaponry at your disposal, including Gatling guns, rocket launchers, EMP blasts, air strikes, land mines and much more. You can even unleash Chuck Norris' berserker rage.


in-game instructions


schwarzenegger  li  other

Game info
The Expendables 2: Deploy & Destroy

The Expendables 2: Deploy & Destroy

Published: 2012-10-28
Played: 71

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Ready for some retro pixel tower defence action? Choose your squad from the biggest cast of action heroes ever assembled, set up your defences and then blow the enemy to hell... or die a hero. There's an arsenal of devastating weaponry at your disposal, including Gatling guns, rocket launchers, EMP blasts, air strikes, land mines and much more. You can even unleash Chuck Norris' berserker rage.


in-game instructions


defense  norris  li  shoot  war  strategy  deploy

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